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Features that are not obvious
Are you collecting my Steam login information?
Absolutely not! The whole login process actually takes place on the Steam website and is completely
independent from my website.
It uses a system called OpenID. More information
on this can be found on valves Web API documentation
If that is not enough for you, you can also check the source code of this website yourself at GitHub. ;)
Why does my profile have to be set to public?
Any setting other than "Public" makes it so the website cannot retrieve any games-related
information for your account, rendering the site pointless.
The implications of having your account set to public means that strangers on the internet can view
what games you own and how much you have been playing them if they know either your Steam ID or your
Steam vanity name.
Personally the thought of that doesn't bother me, but your mileage might vary.
What cookies?
My website saves a total of 3 cookies, which are necessary to provide you with the best experience.
The first cookie is a so called session cookie. This cookie provides a easy and secure way for the
website to remember you, so long as you do not close your browser.
Then we have the userid cookie. This cookie simply contains your steamid.
Finally, we have the auth cookie. This cookie contains a secure hash that is randomly and securely
generated for you. The means to recreate the hash is stored in the database and together it can be used to authentify you.
The userid and auth cookies are used to remember you throughout several sessions and ensure that you
don't have to type in your login credentials on every visit.
All of the cookies are keyed to this domain and are not used to track you or anything like that.
They do not contain any of your steam login credentials. My website does not even have access to your steam credentials!
What's the point of this website?
To motivate you to beat your Steam games, of course! People pick up plenty of Steam games that they
forget about. My website aims to provide an easy way to display and launch your games and of course
award motivational points for playing games!
Yes! Every minute you spend playing a game on your "to beat" list earns you points when you remove
the game from the "to beat" list! They serve no purpose at all but hey, points!
What Steam information do you store?
I only store things that make your browsing experience better, nothing more and nothing else.
Our general user database stores: Steam ID, Display name, last status, URL to your community
profile, your avatar's hash and your profile visibility state.
Our game db stores information on specific games: App ID, Game Name, Community Enabled, Logo Hash
and Icon Hash.
Finally, our owned games db combines our user database with our game database: App ID, Steam ID,
total minutes played, minutes played in the last 2 weeks and achievement percentage.
This information is stored for the sole purpose of displaying the website as fast as possible.
Contacting the Steam servers to get up-to-date data can take up to 20 seconds, so on every request
my website caches vital information in the local database to ensure the site loads quickly. None of
the data is shared with any 3rd parties or used commercially.
Are you affiliated with Steam?
No. I love Steam and use it daily, but this is just a fan site using tools available to everyone who
has a (free) API key.
I am currently looking for a job!
So if you have use for a PHP / Web Programmer ( I can also do C/C++/C#, Adobe FLEX and more! ),
please contact me via email: